Friday, June 27, 2014

This week in pictures and some momfessionals

We went to a Durham Bulls game this week, and the highlight of the baseball game (in Lucy's opinion) were 1) the free bouncy house...

2) meeting Wooly Bull. Once the game started she kept repeating "woolly woolly woolly woolly" and some (not pictured) cotton candy. 

This girl loves wearing "glashes" .

Loves to help make dinner. See this? I'm working on my non-staged photography skills. Keeping it real.

And going to the pool pool pool. (When she gets excited, the words are on repeat, y'all.)

 And we discovered that she eats Oreos like her daddy. Cream-first.

I also decided this is what she would look like as a boy. Still cute.

And I will end this week with a few Momfessionals...

1- I wear yoga pants (when I'm not working) all day every day but haven't worked out in months. (Because who wants snot/yogurt/etc on their cute clothes? Not me.)

2-Sometimes we have snacktime at Harris Teeter. Now that we are down to 1 nap per day, if I have grocery shopping to do, after nap, we head to HT and eat a cookie, some deli meat, and some cheese and bread (all of which are out for free sampling). Thank you HT for providing snack so I can multitask.

3-It is summer-yay! But that also means bathing suit season. I have days where I feel skinny, and days where all I see is leftover baby belly. I'm starting to get why people hate being in bathing suits. I read this post today called Put on That Swimsuit, and I don't know about you, but I needed to hear that. Playing on the beach/at the pool is more important than my insecurities. And I refuse to let my self image ruin my children's. More of Jesus and less of me... (John 3:30)

So...let's hear them. What are your momfessionals this week?