
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Trunk or Treat

We went to our first "Trunk or Treat" this weekend! It was a cute little chance to debut our Halloween costumes and practice Trick-or-Treating. 

Lucy has insisted on being Sully from Monsters Inc. this year (which we may have seen 3,000 times) "because he's blue and blue is my favorite." 

The babies were less than thrilled about all the dressing up and Nora lasted about 20 minutes in her Owl costume before screaming to get out of it. 

But oh those cheeks!

Some of the trunks had little games to play before you could get your candy. The girls loved it! Lucy also wanted to eat a different candy in between each and every car. 

It was a great practice for Trick-or-treating and also very confusing to a three year old who has just been taught not to take anything (including candy) from strangers because they are bad.

We can always un-confuse her next week, right?

In the meantime, we will be practicing our ROAR...