
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Nora 6 and 7 months

Our sweet Nora Jo is 7 months! Months 6 &7 have been amazing. She is sleeping through the night and her momma feels like a new woman! 

She is an eating machine and loves some fruits. True to her nature, if she doesn't like the food you are trying to get her to eat she gags dramatically and acts as if she might throw up. 

She is thinking so hard about crawling and can get her little knees up but mooshes her little face in the floor in the process and just jibber jabbers, talking into the floor. 

She is incredibly ticklish and loves to laugh.

She adores her big sister (most of the time) and has recently discovered all of her sisters toys. She rolls all over the floor until she catches one of Lucy's toys and then proceeds to slobber all over it. 

I can't believe you are on your way to being mobile, and are closer to turning one than you are being my newborn baby! We love you sweet Nora Jo.