
Monday, October 29, 2012

Month 1 favorites

I loved reading other blogs with favorites new moms couldn't live, here are my top 5 must-haves for month one:

Rock N' Play Sleeper. We originally had a different bassinet/moses basket which was flat. Lucy kept spitting up all over herself and was very restless in the flat bassinet. After reading a zillion reviews about how people were getting 4-5 hours of sleep with this sleeper, I was determined to try it out. This is awesome! It sits right beside our bed and cradles baby so she barely notices when we put her down. If she wakes in the night I can lean over and rock her a little and she will often settle back to sleep. And we have gotten 4-5 hour stretches of sleep now that we have the rock & play! I've also set this up in the bathroom while taking a shower and blowdrying my hair and she is happy as a little clam in the sleeper!

Boppy Pillow: This pillow is essential to breastfeeding. It helps with positioning and a comfortable spot for baby to doze while nursing. It is also an awesome prop for little ones who want to hold the baby.  I recommend one for each floor of your house. I only had one the first few weeks, but thanks to my wonderful friends, I now have a second one in our bedroom. Now I don't have to tote it upstairs with us every night when we go to bed!

Vibrating Baby bouncer: This is a great little seat to clip baby into while you are cooking, watching TV, etc in the house. It has toys for her to look at, it vibrates and plays music, and if she dozes off for her afternoon nap and starts getting restless, it bounces! We use this every day.

Medela Pump in Style with Tote: This pump is great! It is on the pricey side, but I read a lot of reviews that it is excellent for those going back to work, as it is efficient at pumping both sides at once. I got the hands-free bra to go with it (so you can actually do things with your hands while pumping). It's not loud, it doesn't hurt, and it comes with all of the bottles and things you need to pump. I've started preparing my supply for going back to work, and hubby has even gotten a chance to give the baby a bottle too! 
Zippered Onesies: Lucy has lived in these since day one. We put a little short-sleeved undershirt under to keep her warm, they cover her feet, and they are easy to zip up in the middle of the night (no trying to line snaps up while you are half asleep changing a diaper!) 

What were your favorite one-month items?

" I have loved you with an everlasting love." Jer 31:3