
Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy 1 month & a birth story

One month ago, {yesterday} me and the husband went to the hospital for the 2nd night in a row, with contractions 4 minutes apart. We had been sent home the night before because "I was smiling too much" and my contractions weren't "bad enough yet".

We arrived at the hospital very punctually on our due date 9/25/12 at 2:00am in the morning, in full fledged [back] labor. When they checked my cervix and said I was still only a 1 or 2 cm, I could have cried. Luckily my amazing doctor felt my contractions on my stomach and saw how much pain I was in and decided to admit me. Bless her, bless her, bless her.

By 7am I kindly pleaded for an epidural. My hubby was in charge of rubbing my back every 2 minutes for an entire minute, and at that rate, I knew we would both be worn out! Thankfully I had the best L&D nurse Jenny, who did everything possible to accommodate us, and the best anesthesiologist a girl could ask for, my pain went from an 8-9 without the epidural to a ZERO with. Yep. Praise the Lord above for the person who invented epidurals.

By 9am I was 5 cm and they had broken my water. My contractions strangely enough slowed down, a little pitocin was administered, we visited with family and hung out all day, and we were ready to push by 2pm.

My sweet sister, husband, mom, mother-in-law and nurse Jenny prayed over the baby in my belly before we started pushing. Straight from their lips to God's ears, sweet Lucy Mae was born 51 minutes later at 2:51pm.

I couldn't have asked for a better birth story and a better L&D nurse, and obstetrician. My hubby cut the cord and I truly fell in love with him all over again, the day I saw the look on his face the moment our daughter was born.

As we welcomed our new Lucy home, our family and friends surrounded us with food, snuggles for Lucy, naps, and even chances to dash out of the house to get some sanity. We even got to go out on a date for our anniversary.

We now have a 1 month old baby, who can hold her head up pretty well, smile beautifully when you coo and sing at her, can drink from a bottle {of pumped milk}, has pitifully had her first cold, and who is outgrowing her newborn baby clothes and diapers every day.

A month has flown by...we are so excited for the months to come!

Happy 1 month Lucy!