
Saturday, September 1, 2012

thirty six.

How far along? 36.5 weeks-Holy cow we are having a baby this month!
Sleep: Hmmm. I think me and the baby have different definitions of sleep. She thinks night time is dance party time. I, on the other hand, would like to sleeeep.
Best moment this week: I had a scare with the baby's movements slowing down, and got to take  a "non-stress test" which involves laying in a recliner while hooked up to a fetal monitor and contraction monitor while clicking a clicker every time the baby moves. Baby bean decided to prove me and the doctors wrong by moving a hundred times in the 20 minutes I sat there. and it was fun watching the fetal monitor bounce up and down and a big huge relief to this momma.
Miss Anything? Ahi tuna. mmmm. That will be my first post-pregnancy meal I think.
Movement: See aforementioned "best moment of the week."
Food cravings: coffee? Crunchy ice. And no, I'm not anemic. It's so cold and so crunchy!!! 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Just a few Braxton Hicks here and there. And she's moving down in my pelvis slowly but surely. 
Belly Button: Out out out.
Symptoms: Achy pelvis and hips makes this lady move verrry slowly this week. 
Wedding Rings: Sigh. One day I will get to wear my favorite sparkly diamond rings again.
Looking forward to: My sister coming up in two weeks from Texas!! And seeing a friend from NY next weekend and two of our dearest friends getting married! Let's hope baby holds off till then, and after that all bets are off!

 "He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created." James 1:18