
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DIY Bookshelf Ledge [Pinsday]

Happy "pins"day!

I'm so excited to show you our latest DIY Pins-piration.

Why am I excited?

Because you also get a sneak peak to the bean's nursery.

But just a peek. We are still moving things around and adding more ruffles and pizzaz, so the final product will have to wait.

At our first baby shower, each guest brought a book for the baby to help start off her library. This was a fantastic idea--we went from zero books to tons of books for us to read to baby.

We debated back and forth on where to put & how to display all of these books in her room.

Until we stumbled upon ClassyClutter's blog on how to DIY your own bookshelf ledge (via Pinterest).

It was amazingly easy (especially if you let your sweet husband do all the work), and very, very  inexpensive.

We used leftover trim paint to paint the shelves, and only had to buy the wood (2x4's and 1x4's) and anchors to anchor the shelves into the wall. (Roughly a $10 project).

Check out ClassyClutter's blog on how to assemble your own DIY Bookshelf Ledge. I bet it would also be a super fabulous way to display picture frames and knick knacks too!

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20