
Saturday, August 18, 2012

thirty four.

How far along? 34 weeks
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: Having the OB doctor tell me we had reached a milestone at 34 weeks! If the baby was born anytime after now, they would not do anything to stop the delivery. Craziness.
Miss Anything? Bending down to pick up something/put on my shoes. Hard to do with a basketball in the way!
Movement: Lots of movement every day with elbows and knees and feet in my ribs. The best feelings in the world! (except for the ribs part). 
Food cravings: Coffee cake. 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Some serious Braxton Hicks this week!
Belly Button: Outtie
Symptoms: Heartburn, heartburn, heartburn! Hoping this means she is born with full, flowing locks of hair!!
Wedding Rings: Mostly no. The heat + swelling has put them aside for now. I'm hoping with cooler weather the rings can make a comeback. For now I wear my fav cocktail ring. 
Looking forward to: Baby! And fall! And all things pumpkin on the way. 

"every good and perfect gift is from above.." James 1:17