
Monday, July 23, 2012


How far along? 30 weeks
Sleep: Yes...I managed to catch a cold this week and have been sleeping like a snoring baby. Too bad for my hubby and cousin who had to sleep in my bed at the beach!
Best moment this week: Getting the crib in the mail! Ready to put it together any day now.
Miss Anything? Sushi. With raw fish. And wine.
Movement: Yes, elbow jabs all day long and flips and twirls.
Food cravings: Chocolate and cheese. And a random cracker+Cheese+peach slice at the beach. 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Nada
Belly Button: Outtie
Stretch Marks: Maaaybe. Unconfirmed-but I just bought Bio-Oil just in case.
Symptoms: Back ache and puffy feet 
Wedding Rings: Mostly on. 
Looking forward to: Putting the nursery together, and seeing body parts move across my belly (as I have been told by many women is in our future). 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Col 3:23