
Sunday, July 29, 2012

thirty one.

Baby is as big as: A head of lettuce (belly photobombed the words!) 
How far along? 31 weeks
Sleep: Sleeping much better lately! 
Best moment this week: Coming home Tuesday night to find the hubby put the crib together! So sweet. We have spent the past week organizing and beginning the process of putting the nursery together. Pictures to come when its ready!
Miss Anything? Some of my clothes that no longer fit...
Movement: This baby flips and twirls and swims around all.the.time. And, I love it.
Food cravings: More cheese and chocolate this week. 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Nada
Belly Button: Outtie
Symptoms: Back ache here and there and puffy feet thanks to this 100+ degree weather!
Wedding Rings: Mostly on, but they're getting REAL tight.
Looking forward to: Seeing the nursery set up!!

"every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17