
Thursday, May 10, 2012


How far along? 20 weeks- halfway there!!
Sleep: Yes, please. Whoever said the sleepiness goes away in the 2nd trimester is playing a rude joke on you. I still <3 sleep and naps like they're going out of style.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby move! Lots!
Miss Anything? Today...lack of heartburn??
Movement: Squirms and squiggles after almost every meal! It's so great to feel her wriggling around in there.
Food cravings: Gum. Can this be a craving? Yes, I guess so, if I've gone through 2 packs in 1 week. Now don't get all pica on me, I don't EAT it, I just like to chew it. All the time.
Have you started to show yet: hahaha....
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No
Belly Button: In-but hanging on for dear life.
Stretch Marks: None. I'm slathering on cocoa butter every day just in case.
Looking forward to: Baby movements that the hubby can feel too!

"he will quiet you with His love." Zeph 3:17