
Thursday, May 3, 2012


How far along? 19.5 weeks
Sleep: I <3 sleep. Sleeping pretty good except for random 4 am waking times almost nightly. At least I can catch up on my reading.
Best moment this week: Buying the baby's first pair of shoes! I will share once they make it in the mail. Eee--- they are so teeny and fabulous!
Miss Anything? Today...Red wine.
Movement: Little squirmies felt here and there. But still very faint. Thank you anterior placenta.
Food cravings: McDonald's Sausage breakfast burritos. Like almost every day at 10am.
Have you started to show yet: See above...
Gender prediction: GIRL!!! Yay for pinks and bows and ruffles and tutus and sugar and spice and everything nice. 
Belly Button: In-but looking decidedly funny lately. Like the shallow end of a baby pool.
Stretch Marks: No-PTL
Looking forward to: Feeling our sweet baby girl move very distinctly.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12