So I was trying to come up with a new Holiday treat for a Holiday work party, and lo and behold AllRecipes.com (which emails me recipe ideas daily) sent me an email for Cake Balls.
Reviewed by 1,309 people-check. Look tasty delicious-check. Easy instructions-check.
So the simpleness of these Cake Balls is that you simply 1) Bake a Cake, 2) Crumble up the cake in a bowl, 3) Mix an entire container of icing into cake, 4) Refrigerate, 5) Make into sweet little balls and dip in chocolate coating.
And YUMMY--a cruchy, gooey, sprinkly masterpiece. My hubby's reaction being:
WHY HAVEN'T YOU EVER MADE THESE BEFORE", in the most serious of tones....so they will now be a crucial dessert staple in our home. (He won't even let me take them to my work party because we NEED them here.)
WHY HAVEN'T YOU EVER MADE THESE BEFORE", in the most serious of tones....so they will now be a crucial dessert staple in our home. (He won't even let me take them to my work party because we NEED them here.)
A friend lead me on to Bakerella's blog with Cake Balls and Cake Pops galore--apparently all the rage right now.
All I have to say is you must, you must try them! However, next time I need to practice a little more at the dipping...mine aren't nearly as pretty as Bakerella's or AllRecipes lay them out to be.
All I have to say is you must, you must try them! However, next time I need to practice a little more at the dipping...mine aren't nearly as pretty as Bakerella's or AllRecipes lay them out to be.