
Friday, September 14, 2012

thirty eight.

How far along? 38 weeks-11 days till Due Date...but who's counting?
Sleep: Sleeping sometimes. And waking at 3am sometimes... STARVING and needing an english muffin and peanut butter. And then taking some leisure time to read. Yep, at 3am. 
Best moment this week: The beautiful fall weather that has blown in to NC. Just in time to make this 9 mo pregnant lady much more comfortable! And my first cup of coffee with Pumpkin creamer this year!
Miss Anything? Sangria.
Movement: Yes, little swishes and a foot swirling about on the side of my belly all day long. I will miss feeling this sweet thing move around in my belly and taking her with me everywhere I go.
Food cravings: Crunchy ice, bananas and peanut butter or peanut butter on an English Muffin (sometimes at 3am).
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Some Braxton Hicks that are coming in regular spurts. Which have started to hurt a teeny bit. And then they disappear....
Belly Button: Opposite of innie.
Symptoms:  Braxton Hicks and Heartburn!
Wedding Rings: Nooope.
Looking forward to: My sister coming up this weekend from Texas! Yeeeeehaw. With all of her adorable babies [who are not really babies at 8, 6, 3, and almost 2.]

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise." James 5:13