
Saturday, August 25, 2012

thirty five.

How far along? 35.5 weeks-can we say OHMYGOSH? I can't believe we are down to the final stretch
Sleep: Sleep.Toss.Turn.Sleep.Pee.Toss.Turn.Sleep.
Best moment this week: So many great times with friends and family this week! See my week according to my iPhone.
Miss Anything? clothes! Like new, fun, clothes that don't have to have a yard of extra fabric involved in the tummy area. 
Movement: She gets hiccups all of the time and I love it! Also there is a lot of dancing happening on my bladder. Which is cute, but can be very nerve wracking when you are not in a spot to use the lou. 
Food cravings: coffee? Weird, I know, but the good news is they make decaf for just those types of craving. Hello Decaf Caramel Macchiato. 
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Still none, other than Braxton Hicks. I can't believe I'll be saying yes to this in the next 4.5 weeks!
Belly Button: So so Outtie
Symptoms: Heartburn and some puffy feet, but feeling pretty good this week.
Wedding Rings: Wearing my favorite coctail ring? Yes. Wedding rings, notsomuchrightnow.
Looking forward to: Pumpkin lattes and all the lovely things that come with fall!

“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”