
Monday, July 2, 2012

twenty seven.

Baby is as long as an: English Cucumber (~ 15 in)
How far along? 27 weeks
Sleep: Well after staying up incredibly late this weekend for wedding festivities (see above), I got some of the best sleep I've had in 27 weeks! (aka sleep un-interrupted with having to pee for about 6 hours). Amen.
Best moment this week: Seeing a very dear friend of mine marry the man of her dreams! {And getting to carry my little bean to the wedding.}
Miss Anything? My waistline. 
Movement: Yes! Our little ballerina-gymnist is very active.
Food cravings: pimento cheese and she crab soup. But, hey, I was in Charleston. I'm pretty sure pregnancy had little to do with it!
Have you started to show yet: Can we stop answering this question yet?
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks here and there
Belly Button: Out. SO out.
Stretch Marks: Nada
Wedding Rings: Mostly on
Looking forward to: Getting our nursery put together! We cannot make up our minds on a crib!! 

"He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them-He remains faithful forever." Psalm 146:6