
Thursday, July 19, 2012

twenty nine.

Baby is as big as a: Cabbage
How far along? 29 weeks
Sleep: Still tossing, turning and sleeping. When possible.
Best moment this week: First baby shower! 
Miss Anything? When a party doesn't wear you out. You would have thought I ran a marathon and all I did was attend our baby shower. Sheesh.
Movement: Squirmy little wormy.
Food cravings: Chocolate!
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Nada
Belly Button: Outtie
Stretch Marks: No
Wedding Rings: Mostly on when my fingers stay indoors in the AC.
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery together now that we have all of this fabulous loot from our baby shower! Feeling very blessed!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Col 3:23