
Thursday, June 14, 2012

twenty five.

How far along? 25 weeks
Sleep: Yes, in between tossing and turning all night long...I sleep. 
Best moment this week: The little moments. Like me and the hubby feeling our sweet baby move while sitting on the couch together.
Miss Anything? Wine. This week a BIG glass of wine could definitely be in order.
Movement: Yes! Sweet wonderful movements. I had a particularly scary morning this morning when by 10:00 am I realized I had not felt her move last night or this morning (and I always do), so after a few prayers and looking into my What to Expect book, she decided to give me a few soft kicks to let me know everything was a-ok. We have been in full-on wiggle mode since.
Food cravings: chocolate and chocolate chip cookies.
Have you started to show yet: Hmm...
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: I read that Braxton Hicks begin anywhere after week 20, and after exercising yesterday there was something real strange happening-like a very uncomfortable tightening across my belly. I am wondering if that's what they feel like? 
Belly Button: Hmm..might be more of an outtie now...
Stretch Marks: So far so good
Wedding Rings: On for work, off at night!
Looking forward to: Seeing her sweet little face on the 3D ultrasound next week!

"Guide me into your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Psalm 25:4-6