
Monday, May 28, 2012

twenty two.

How far along? 22.6777 weeks
Sleep: Yes, except for at 5 am, or every time I need to turn over because my left or right hand has fallen asleep. Whats amazing about this is that I used to NEED 8 hours of sleep or I would be yawning and exhausted all day. Now, I think God is getting me used to sleepless nights because I haven't had a full nights sleep since day one and its no biggie anymore! You're worth it lil bean. 
Best moment this week: Sitting on the beach with my toes in the sand while a little baby bean kicked away in my belly. (Ocean sounds are a MUST on her future sound machine!)
Miss Anything? My cheekbones! Ha where has thou goneeee? 
Movement: Yes, she just so happens to have found a new spot where she cannot be intterupted from curious hands on the outside of my belly. So I've been hogging all her movement this week...
Food cravings: Ice cream!!!
Have you started to show yet: Is this a trick question?
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: No-17.5 weeks to go and I am going to freak when the answer to this is yes.
Belly Button: I have a flattie.
Stretch Marks: None yet! 
Looking forward to: Taking our little bean to the Bahamas this week! 

"He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams." Psalm 23:2