
Wednesday, April 18, 2012


How far along? 17 weeks
Sleep: Still loving my sleep!
Best moment this week: Finding out the baby can hear loud noises! How fast our lil bean is growing already!
Miss Anything? Not this week-enjoying every second with my turnip.
Movement: Maaaybe a little kick. But I still can't be sure. It feels like tugging on the inside...
Food cravings: Salt & Vinegar potato chips.
Have you started to show yet: I have officially had 2 people while I was working ask if I was expecting. So I do believe so!
Gender prediction: Still team pink! We will know in a week (: .
Belly Button: In
Stretch Marks: No
Looking forward to: Finding out if our lil bean is pink or blue!!

"Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone." Psalm 33:22

Remember when I said I DIY'ed my own pants? Here is the tutorial I followed that was simple and I didn't ruin a pair of pants! They actually turned out adorable.