
Friday, April 6, 2012


How far along? 15.5 Weeks
Maternity clothes? A top and a bathing suit. I love shopping-just give me a reason!
Sleep: Yes. Sleep is the only thing that makes my back/hips stop hurting.

Best moment this week: Hearing our baby's heartbeat LOUD and clear this week. Such a sweet sweet sound. 

And then a nice checkout man at Trader Joe's asked what the highlight of my day was, and I shared that I heard our baby's heartbeat that day, and he was so thrilled for me he gave me a free orchid! 2nd best moment=kindness from strangers.
Miss Anything? Having a glass of wine on the weekend!
Movement: Maybe a flutter here and there, still undetermined if I'm feeling the baby or not.
Food cravings: Cheese fries and cereal.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Have you started to show yet: In some outfits yes! 
Gender prediction: I have now talked to 3 people who thought they KNEW the sex of their baby and were wrong. So I'm feeling the winds shift a little. Could be pink OR blue!

Looking forward to: Feeling legit movement!

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

I thought I would also share some bloopers from this weeks photo shoot. The husband + a camera + me hollering directions at him= camera chaos. 

a little higher...

to the left..

Needless to say it takes many outtakes before we get our favorite shot. Thanks hubs!