
Monday, March 12, 2012

sausage kale orecchiette

With St. Patty's day quickly approaching, I want to make a shout out to greens.

#collards, #mustard greens, #turnip greens, #kale, #broccoli rabe

As a glorified country gal, I ain't scared of no greens.

And as a now glorified pregnant gal, greens combine the perfect source of nutrients and yumminess to feed hungry growing lil baby beans.

One of my favorites, kale, in fact, is a great source of calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A & C and fiber.

Which I why I have introduced it to my good friends, pasta and sausage.

They get along just dandy.

And you won't feel ashamed of making yourself another heaping bowlful...because you're probably low in Vitamin A...of course.

This pasta is rich and delicious with crispy pieces of sausage immersed in a garlic white wine sauce which has been kissed with the flavor of kale.

sausage kale orecchiette
1/2 lb orecchiette pasta, cooked and drained according to package directions
3 cups chopped and rinsed kale
16 oz. italian sausage
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 onion, diced
2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 cup chicken broth + 1/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup white wine
1 tbsp. cornstarch
Salt and pepper, to taste
Dash nutmeg
Parmesan cheese, for garnish

Slice sausage into 1'' pieces, and sauté for 6-7 minutes on medium heat until browned and crispy. Remove sausage, and drain most of grease. Add onions to the pan, and sauté until translucent.

Immerse minced garlic in 2 tbsp of evoo and let sit while kale is cooking.

In a separate pan, add 1/4 cup chicken broth and 1/4 cup water, and kale, bring to a boil. Cook until kale is tender and wilted, about 7 minutes.

Add evoo and garlic mixture to the sausage pan, cooking 1-2 minutes until garlic has browned. Add kale (with any reserved juices), remaining chicken broth and wine. Turn heat up to high and reduce liquid to half over 3-4 minutes. Add red pepper flakes, nutmeg, and salt & pepper. Remove 1 cup liquid and add 1 tbsp cornstarch in a small bowl. Mix until creamy, and return to sauce. This should make the sauce light brown and creamy. If it is still too liquidy, continue cooking to reduce, or repeat cornstarch method.

Add pasta to sauce, serve with parmesan cheese for garnish.

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises..." 2 Peter 1:4