
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pinecone Wreath

Do you hate un-decorating after the holidays as much as I do?

My house looks so....just like a house.

And less like a Christmasy wonderland.

So I went to work making something wintry that still cheers me up when I pull into my driveway in cold, drab and dreary January.

The awesome part of this project? All those pinecones on there...were free. Yep from the yard.

{And a dear friend gave me her leftover spraypaint. Thankyou.}

Cleanup your yard-check.
Wintery and cheerful-check.

How To:
1. Collect about 40 medium and small pinecones from your yard.
2. Spray paint all sides of the pinecones with white spray paint. While wet, add white glitter (hard to see in pic).
3. Hot glue onto a styrofoam wreath, covering all sides. This was the tricky part, fitting everything together like a puzzle. Be patient, it will work! Keep flipping them around until you get neat little puzzle piece pinecones.
4. Add ribbon. I sewed a 6'' x 2 yard long strip of fabric to create a giant ribbon, sewing the sides to be hidden and cutting a "V" in the bottom to resemble a ribbon. Tie into a big bow! (You can also just use large ribbon.)

May your January be a little more frosty and festive!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 NIV