
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not-so-Fried Chicken

Well, hello there.

Yes I know, I have missed you terribly as well!

Where have I been?

On a diet.


And I've been a little bored with my choices.

Alas, no blogging. And no pictures.

Then why am I throwing big hunking pictures of fried chicken in your face?

Because I made a discovery.

Bobby Deen's new show : "Not my Mamma's meals."

You know Bobby Deen. Son of Paula Deen.

He has taken his mamma's meals and made them just as savory but for less calories and fat.

His mamma. The queen of butter. And frying things.


I know you're intrigued.

Bobby calls it his Unfried Chicken.

{And yes Bobby and I are now on a first name basis.}

We are going to call it "Not-so-fried Chicken".

Healthy Fried chicken.

My husband asked me "isn't that an oxymoron?"


But it was delicious so I don't care.

I'll eat an oxymoron every day if I have to.

It's crispy on the outside, and juicy and flavorful on the inside.

If you don't believe me-make it yo'self.

Not-so-fried Chicken
adapted from Bobby Deen's Not my Mamma's Meals
2 Chicken breasts, cut thinly in half lengthwise
3 cups unsweetened cornflakes
2 tablespoons House Seasoning: [Equal parts Garlic powder, pepper & Salt]
1/3 cup buttermilk
4 tablespoons hot sauce
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
2 egg whites

Preheat oven to 375. Spray a baking pan with cooking spray.

Season Chicken breasts liberally with House Seasoning on both sides. In a casserole dish, combine buttermilk, hot sauce, lemon juice, and egg whites and mix with a fork until combined.

Using a food processer, puree cornflakes until they form chunky breadcrumb-sized pieces. Douse chicken breasts in buttermilk mixture, and then dip in cornflakes.

Place on baking sheet and sprinkle remaining House Seasoning on chicken. Bake at 375 for 15 minutes until cooked throughout.

Makes 3 servings.

Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31