

This blog started as a place to rant and rave about food. I love cooking, eating, and experiencing food.

After finding out we were expecting a baby in September, this blog morphed into something more. Something that could capture all of our impending baby excitement and preparation, along with a joy for food. {Everything tastes better when you're pregnant, anyway. Unlessyouhavemorningsickness.}

I am blessed beyond imagination.

My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future." 

Current cast of "children" in our house:

1. Sweet little dumpling baby. Growing like a weed and making us laugh every day.

2.  Snorty, fat Bulldog. We call her Fatty for short.

3. Her Heighness  Fluffiness.

4. Sea creatures galore. In a fishtank. Not swimming wildly around our house. My husband would give his left kidney for that. Alas, it will not work.

Thank you for taking time to visit Our McWonderful Life. I hope you enjoy many pictures of dumpling baby, recipes, DIY projects, and reflections on this blessing called life. Most of all, thank you for not turning the channel. Er, page?

